NEWSLETTER, August 2003 The John Bowne House View of Flushing (Long Island) North America The oldest house in Queens County, the original section
was built in 1661 by John Bowne, a member of the Society of Friends.
Bowne's successful opposition to Governor Stuyvesant's religious intolerance
restored freedom of religion to the colony of New Netherland. It is
believed that the house served as a station on the Underground Railroad. (Click on graphics for larger view.) Stage I. The main part of the
house was built in three or four stages. The front of the eastern
part The earliest surviving part of the house measures about
31-feet in length, east-west, by about 20 feet in depth. The framing
is entirely of oak. It is built in the Dutch style with seven H-bents.
The from the top of the first floor joists to the top of the second
floor anchorbeams is about 8-feet, 5-inches. From the-top of the beams
to the top of the plate is 3-feet, 9-inches. The exterior anchorbeams
measure about 10-inches deep by 8-inches in thickness. The bottom of the western internal anchorbeam was hewn
off in Stage III for a level lath-and-plaster ceiling. This was very
likely the hood-beam for a jambless fireplace. Further support for
this is the evidence of braces on either end, like the hood-beam in
the original part of the Pieter Wyckoff house in Brooklyn. The fourth
bent from the east end also had braces. A partition had been located
here. The first-floor boards are jointed in this location, and the
anchorbeam has mortices in its underside, toward the west side of
the beam, for the jambs of a door near the center of the partition
wall. As far as can be seen, the first floor joists, that
are set flatwise, about 11-inches in depth by 12- to 14-inches in
width, extend the full width of the house. The sills, that are 8-inches
in width by about 6-inches in depth, are let into the ends of the
joists about 2 1/2-inches so that part of the sills are exposed in
the rooms. The first-floor boards are of oak, about 1 1/4-inches thick
and random 12- to I5-inches wide, laid square-edge, and fastened with
oak pins. The floor boards were jointed under the partition. Dust
strips, about one-inch by 4-inches are gained into the joists below
the floor boards where they join. The wall posts measure about 8-inches in width, matching
the anchorbeams, and about 6-inches in depth. The spaces between the
north and south wall posts are infilled with clay with a binder of
pine needles worked around horizontal sticks on about 6-inch centers
set in holes in the sides of the posts. The end walls may also have
been infilled this way. The interior of the panels was smoothed with
a skim of plaster, revealing about one inch of the posts. The only
other example of this construction the author has seen is in the Coeymans
Secondary House in Albany County, although reused wall posts have
been seen with holes for horizontal sticks and infill in the Peter
Cooper house at Hempstead Long Island (now at Old Bethpage Village
Restoration). and the stone wing of the Winne-Creble house at Bethlehem,
Albany County. The first cladding of the original section of the house
is not known. In the 1660s John Bowne had a barn built that was to
be clapboarded and it is possible that the house was covered with
this material also. Inspection of the exterior facing of t.he wall
posts might determine what the original cladding had been. The roof has six pairs of rafters numbered from west
to east. Rafter pair one was not part of the west gable, It is approximately
5-feet east of the original end-wall location. There were two tiers
of collar ties. The lower collars for rafters marked "V, V, and
VI" remain. The upper collar for rafter pair VI (gable) survives.
The lower collars are mortice-and-tenoned to the rafters. The upper
collars were square-gained into the east side of the rafters. Marriage marks are also on the east side (see appendix
I) The rafters are pit-sawn. Also pit-sawn are the shingle lath, set
on about 16-inch centers and trenched into the rafters. About half
of the shingle lath of the south side of the roof survives, including
the topmost (ridge) lath. The barn built for John Bowne in the 1660s had a thatched
roof and it is tempting to think that the steep roof of the house
was similarly covered. An inspection of the accessible outside surface
of a length of the shingle lath was made with a flashlight and a mirror
by the writer with the assistance of William McMillen of Richmondtown
Restoration. A pattern of nail holes, and several broken off nails
were found, indicating that the roof had been shingled from the earliest
period. When the stage II addition was built (circa 1680 or circa
1698) shingle lath was not used, and instead the whole roof was covered
with mill-sawn oak boarding, only about 5/8inches in thickness. It
was laid on top of the shingle lath of the Stage I part of the house.
Since the shingles that were removed to install the boarding were
relatively new, it would seem probable that they were the original
roof covering. The nature of the west (fireplace) wall remains in doubt.
It could have been mostly of masonry, more likely stone than brick.
The hood beam for the jambless fireplace has been mentioned, but there
may have been some kind of jambed fireplace in consideration of John
Bowne's English background. Mortices for hearth and hood trimmers
have not been found. Where they would be is presently inaccessible. The Nature of exterior wall construction has already
been discussed. There were probably two windows and a doorway in the
south (facade) wall. The windows would likely have been Dutch-type
cross windows, and there would probably have been a mullioned transom
opening over the doorway, which, like the upper openings of the windows
would have been filled with small lights (about 4 by 6-inches) of
leaded glass. The easternmost window is a problem because the spacing
of the second and third bents from the east is not known and remains
to be determined. Much investigation needs to be done on this part of
the house which is the most important historically. Exploratory openings
in the walls are required, as was recently done for the writer in
his investigation of the lefferts house in Brooklyn's Prospect Park. Copyright © 2004. Hudson Valley Vernacular Architecture. All rights reserved. All items on the site are copyrighted. While we welcome you to use the information provided on this web site by copying it, or downloading it; this information is copyrighted and not to be reproduced for distribution, sale, or profit.