May 18
In the morning about 15 people attended a talk by Bud Miner about
the Using the latest technology of digital projection and showing photographs and drawings, Bud spoke of what has been learned about barns in recent years and the methods of dating timber frames. He showed photographs of some of the 37 barns documented in the early 1970 by Paul Flanders who with Skip Barshide and Richard Goering (New Netherland Project) did a survey of Dutch barns in the area of Saint Johnsville and Palatine Bridge in Montgomery County. Less than half of these buildings remain standing on their original sites today. The looting and destruction of these cultural/historic artifacts in the Mohawk and Schoharie Valleys has left strong feelings about preserving what is left there. The seminar was aimed at increasing the public awareness of those structures. It had been thought, four- or five-years ago, that only one Dutch barn had survived in Herkimer County, but since the renewed interest of Bud and his colleagues (NWDB 2000) they have located seven. He believes that no Pre-Revolutionary War (pre-1777) barns have survived in the Mohawk Valley because of the systematic burning of them by the Loyalists and their Native American Allies during the war.
After lunch the group visited the Indian Castle barn. Once thought
to be the most westerly Indian Castle was the site of Molly Brant's farm before she and her brother Joseph, the Mohawk war chief, moved to Canada after the war. The present 3-bay Dutch barn has a scribe rule frame and probably dates to the late 18th century and was built for Ambrose Greene, the farmer who came after the Indians had gone. Another interesting building, not on the tour, but at this historic site, is the small 1769 frame church that was built by Sir William Johnson for Molly. It has a unique rafter system we have been told. The caretaker could not be found so we looked in the window and could see two t long collar-ties on the common rafters but were unable to see it all.
The owner has saved a small 3-bay side entrance barn with a circular-sawn square-rule hemlock frame of perhaps 1870. He did it with some clever metal work and cables and during winter, when the frozen fields had a light cover of snow, he slid the barn with a tractor 1,000 or more feet from his neighbors farm. It is an interesting barn because it is a mixture of New England and Palatine/Dutch barn traditions that have not quite Americanized. From its exterior appearance with vertical siding and a side entrance, and from its orientation and how it was used it is a very New England barn, but its timber frame is a modified Dutch barn frame with H-bents and side aisles. It is a good example of what Bud calls an Anglo-Dutch transitional or derivative barn and he expects to find more of them in the Western Mohawk Valley. Timbers of hemlock were used in the Dillenbeck/Ellis barn. This wood was almost never used in timber framing in the Mohawk or Hudson Valleys until the mid 19th century when much of the land had been cleared of its oak and pine. The use of hemlock bark for tannic acid for the leather tanning industry made the use of hemlock popular. The Mohawk Valley saw the coming and going of the tanning industry in the Johnstown area in the 19th century.
On our way home we stopped at the Mabee farm historic site in Rotterdam
Junction, The Mabee house consists of three buildings all of the early 18th century, the original one room stone house with an added stone room, a one-room frame house and a slave kitchen built of a combination of brick and frame (*). Like the Jean Hasbrouck House in New Paltz, the Mabee house is one of the most unaltered examples of early Hudson Valley vernacular architecture. It is being carefully studied and slowly repaired and restored by Scott Heafner, the resident custodian, and others from the Schenectady Historical Society. The Jambless fireplace mantle has recently been restored in the stone house with a replica of the crown molding found in the loft. It is one of the few survivals of this Dutch fireplace detail. The fireplace will eventually have a trammel bar and they are looking for a cast-iron fireback. In addition to the buildings the Mabee farm has an interesting collection of furniture and tools, many from the Mabee family. Of note are three siths and one mathook. The sith, or flemish scythe, and the mathook were the hand tools for grain harvesting in parts of New York State with German and Dutch heritage, probably into the early 19th century. The sith and mathook were eventually replaced by the cradle scythe that was eventually replaced by the mechanical horse powered reaper. (*) see DBPS Newsletter, Spring 1998, Vol 11, Issue 1 Monday, May 13 measured the Frederick Deyo house (Uls-NP-13) (see HVVA Newsletter Vol 4, No 2). Tom McAntee, the new owner, gave me a page of the 1797 New Paltz census that indicates the 3-part house, owned by Philip Deyo, was standing then and had a "Dutch barn" that measured 45-feet-long by 48-feet-wide. The barn and 50 acres were valued at $950. The house with 2-acres was valued at $425. In all, Philip Deyo owned 440-acres valued at $2,698, indicating that the people of New Paltz put a high value on their barns and grain fields The following information is given for the house. This is followed by the results obtained by measuring the present house:
Other papers contain a description of the Philip Deyo house by the late Kenneth Hasbrouck, an important person in the restoration of the many historic structures maintained by the Huguenot Historical Society. He writes that the wood section is a chinked log building. Someone seems to have mistaken the riven wood lath infill for log construction. Brian Kennedy, who is working on the house, made an interesting discovery that the frame of the west section seems to have been plastered on the exterior for some time before the beaded weather boarding was applied. This will be more carefully looked at when he repairs the sill. In attempting to understand the first drawings and observations, it seems to me that the 2room stone house was of a single construction and the wood frame a later addition. The 3-bay kitchen or hall retained a 17th century style of fireplace and beam pattern while the original form of the 4-bay parlor room, before the ceiling was raised, is perplexing. There is no easy way to locate a jambed fireplace as would be expected. Perhaps it represents an early use of a cast iron ventilating stove. The
House before 1797 The drawing speculates that it was a side entrance house but it may very likely have had a west end entrance that would have presented its face to the present road.
The 4-bay parlor room was probably heated by a cast-iron stove that
ventilated through the brick chimney that is supported in the cellar.
The nearly even dimensions of the 7" x 10" and 7" x
11" beams in the parlor are typical of rooms after the adoption
of jambed fireplaces and stoves. The
Present House Copyright © 2004. Hudson Valley Vernacular Architecture. All rights reserved. All items on the site are copyrighted. While we welcome you to use the information provided on this web site by copying it, or downloading it; this information is copyrighted and not to be reproduced for distribution, sale, or profit.