Hudson-Mohawk Vernacular Architecture was formed in 2020 from the merger of the Dutch Barn Preservation Society (DBPS) and the Society for the Preservation of Hudson Valley Vernacular Architecture (HVVA). HMVA is a 501(c)3 educational not-for-profit organization.
Dutch Barn Preservation Society
The Dutch Barn Preservation Society was organized in 1985 and incorporated in 1986 by the Regents of the State of New York as a not-for-profit organization by barn owners, historians and other concerned individuals alarmed by the rapid disappearance of New World Dutch barns. Membership grew steadily since the Society's inception, making preservation initiatives possible. Members have been instrumental in preserving and restoring threatened barns, and in offering technical advice and financial assistance.
Awards to the Dutch Barn Preservation Society

Society for the Preservation of Hudson Valley Vernacular Architecture
The Society for the Preservation of Hudson Valley Vernacular Architecture was chartered by the Board of Regents, with a mandate to document and preserve the Hudson Valley's regional architectural heritage.